More About the Explore Asheville Community Engagement Survey
Why are you conducting this survey?
Data from the Explore Asheville Community Engagement Survey will be used to engage, attract and sustain inclusive, authentic relationships across the Explore Asheville tourism community. Demographic data from the survey will also help Explore Asheville better understand how diverse identities may impact or influence your business or organization.
Who is conducting the survey?
We have engaged with research firm Tourism RESET, a multi-university and interdisciplinary research and outreach initiative that seeks to identify, study, and challenge patterns of social inequity in the tourism industry. The initiative is part of a collaboration with NOMADNESS Travel Tribe, an online social community primarily for travelers of color.
Will survey results be shared publicly?
Survey results will reported only in the aggregate to maintain the anonymity of each individual survey participant. The aggregated data will be shared by Tourism RESET & NOMADNESS Travel Tribe at the Explore Asheville Tourism Summit 2022 on May 18 at The Omni Grove Park Inn.
How long will the survey take?
The survey should take 15 minutes or less to complete. The deadline to participate has been extended to May 8 at 6 p.m. ET.
Why should I participate in this survey?
This survey is 100% secure, anonymous, confidential, and optional, though we strongly encourage you to participate. With a high participation rate, we can confidently take actions that focus on ensuring Explore Asheville to be inclusive and accessible for all.
Are there other incentives to participate?
Yes! At the end of the survey there will be an opportunity to be entered in a drawing for Dinner for Two at The Omni Grove Park Inn. If you wish to participate in the drawing, you will be redirected to a site separate from your completed survey, where you can enter your name without compromising the confidentiality of your survey answers. The drawing will take place at the Explore Asheville Tourism Summit on May 18. You do not need to be present to win.